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1 Aims & Scope

Before submitting your manuscript to ESA, please ensure you have read the following guidelines. Briefly, the focus of this journal is scientific work at the intersection of Environmental Science, industrial/occupational health, Environmental pollution/remedies, and industrial hygiene.


2 Article Types

Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration by another publication.  Abstracts of presentations at scientific meetings are not considered previous publications but should be noted in the manuscript as a reference or footnote.

The journal publishes several types of articles including papers describing:


  • Original research on subjects related to the field of environmental sciences

  • Reviews on subjects of contemporary importance to the environmental science/industrial health/industrial hygiene communities

  • Editorials (short, factual, focused updates on specific subjects of current interest) or preliminary study results;

  • Reports or proceedings (which will be published as supplements to issues of the journal at the expense of the organization that submits the proceedings);

  • Short Communications (Not exceeding 2500 words with 5 references)


All manuscripts submitted should be no longer than 4,000 words including References, figures, and Abstract. The Abstract should be no longer than 300 words. Authors are encouraged to use the most recent and relevant references of current years.

All manuscripts should be typed and double-spaced using 12-pitch Times New Roman font.


3. Author names: First page should include the full name and affiliation of each author. Also indicate which author should be the corresponding author and provide a full mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Please include a running title limited to 50 characters and provide up to 6 keywords applicable to the content of the manuscript. Choose keywords broad enough to increase the chances of your paper being found on a search.


4. Text: Papers are to be organized into Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References sections. (Please note that Acknowledgements/Conflicts of Interest/Funding statements should be included at the end).


5. References and Text Citations: The style and format for the References section are SAGE Harvard. References are listed alphabetically by surname of the first author at the end of the manuscript. Articles cited within the text are listed as follows:


Citation method

•    One author by surname of the first author and year of publication e.g., (Sun, 2017)

•    Two authors by the surnames of both authors and year of publication (Sun and Monro, 2005)

•    More than two authors, of the first author followed by the phrase 'et al.,' and year of publication (Sun et al., 2017).


Consecutive citations are placed in chronological order and separated by semicolons (Huo and Yan, 2012a; 2012b).



Do not abbreviate the titles of cited references. All cited journal, book, and document titles must be spelled out in full and in italics. References should include authors' last names and initials (without periods), year (in parenthesis), article title, name of the journal, volume, and page range. The article title is all lower case except for the first word, proper nouns, or any special words. Names of genera and species should always be in italics.  Include the city and publisher's name for books.


Arbitrary Examples


Single author

Kui Z (2017) Assessment of genetic damage among iron industry workers.  Environmental Science Archives 13(2):123-128. DOI: 1.01016/j.scienv.2021.15247854.

Two authors

Yu CS and Hwang JK (2004) Assessment of genetic damage among iron industry workers.  Environmental Science Archives 13(2):123-128. DOI: 1.01016/j.scienv.2021.15247854.

Three authors

Yu CS, Lin CJ and Hwang JK (2004) Assessment of genetic damage among iron industry workers.  Environmental Science Archives 13(2):123-128. DOI: 1.01016/j.scienv.2021.15247854.

Multiple authors

Sun H, Castro E, Cerutti L, et al. (2013) Assessment of genetic damage among iron industry workers.  Environmental Science Archives 13(2):123-128. DOI: 1.01016/j.scienv.2021.15247854.



Yu CS and Hwang JK (2004) Assessment of genetic damage among iron industry workers. Dodberson Publishers.



Yu CS (2004) Assessment of genetic damage among iron industry workers. London: Hall House, pp.26–52.



National Center for Professional Certification (2002) Factors affecting organizational climate and retention. Available at: (accessed 10 July 2022).


6. Figures

If demanded by the journal, illustrations (300 dpi) have be provided as a separate file in JPEG/TIFF format. Illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on. There is no charges for color figures.


7. Author Withdrawal Policy

Requests for withdrawal of manuscript after submission within 72 hrs. by corresponding author is allowed.

After numbering of the manuscript, the withdrawal is not permitted. 


8. Galley Proofs

Galley proofs would be sent to the corresponding author and it is responsibility of the corresponding author to return the corrected galley proof within 72 hours. The authors are responsible for the contents appeared in their published manuscripts.


9. Copyright Form

Copyright form should be signed necessarily at the time of publication of manuscript. It can be sent along the manuscript at the time of submission. Authors can download the copyright form from HERE


10. Author fee and Waiver Policy

Kindly check the publication charges and waiver policy HERE.


11. Paper Submission

Regular Papers as well as Special Issue Papers along with the copyright form can be submitted via 

1. JSS - Journal Submission System 

2. Direct E-mail to 


In case of special issue papers, authors should mention the Title of the special issue in which the papers are submitted while submission through JSS or emailing the paper and copyright form.




*If authors use EndNote to manage references, download the style using the LINK.


* The content published by the authors in Environmental Science Archives is their own views. The journal is not responsible for any content published by authors in their papers.

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