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Environmental Aspects Associated with Veganism

Navin Mehta


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13742799



Since about 40 years ago vegan diet and veganism has had increasing interest and adoption by people from all parts of the world. This paper is one of the few efforts to show the negative aspects of veganism in a scientific way without being emotional about it. The author explains the long-term negative impact on environment and climate, also alluding to the possible deterioration of health. Too much emphasis has been paid on veganism and its positive environmental impact. However, there are some potential negative aspects to consider. The Jains of India and the Buddhists of China had come to terms with milk and milk products. In India the Jains and Hindus worship the cow. In China, they searched the forests to find “mushrooms” with a taste equal to the meat that people wanted. There is an increasing tendency all over the world to adopt the vegan diet. The emphasis is on ‘no milk’ consumption and no consumption of milk derived products and of course, no beef consumption. The human species is a meat-eating species, and this trend will divert attention to eating other kinds of meat. This paper is written by a firm believer of vegetarianism, but not veganism.


Department of Medicine and Orthopaedics, Halifax
23 Chalfont Road, Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada - M9W3R9


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